We believe you and your family deserve the highest quality, dependable maintenance that can be provided. We offer a full range of services to meet your needs.
Founded on integrity.
Call Us Now: (815) 981-8954
According to state, county, the manufacturer’s service requirements and NSF/ANSI Standard 40, it is recommended that all Residential on-site wastewater treatment systems be inspected and serviced every 6 months, Commercial systems at 3 month intervals.
Northern Illinois Septic Service, Inc. (NISS) offers service and maintenance contracts as well as repairs. NISS sells, services and repairs most aerobic and septic treatments plants, mechanical systems, aerators and lift stations.
We service and sell many brand name wastewater treatment systems. Ask us about your system brand!
AquaKlear Wastewater Systems Factory Authorized Service Provider
AquaO2 (formerly Aquarobic) Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Aqua Safe
BioMicrobics MicroFast and BioBarrier Wastewater Systems Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Clearstream Wastewater systems Factory Authorized Service Provider
Dekorra Products Distributor
FujiMAC Air Pumps Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Mercury Displacement Industries Inc. (MDI) floats, alarms, controls Distributor
Multi-Flo Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Nayadic Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Pirana Factory Authorized Service provider
RJR Controls Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
SaniTee Distributor
Sybr-Aer Distributor and Factory Authorized Service Provider
Tuf-Tite Risers Distributor
Whitewater Wastewater Systems Factory Authorized Service Provider
Service, Maintenance and Sales
Call for an Estimate Today
Services include:
Aerobic and mechanical septic system sales service repairs
Camera inspections
Chlorine (calcium hypochlorite)
Header lines
Lift stations (residential)
Maintenance contracts